Monday 20 February 2017

hi says...

I think it would be great to include a map and/or some photos of the cycle route, the projects in Sierra Leone, and the link to their website

Sunday 19 February 2017


Test post.

Guardian cycling link

orphaned/needy children and their carers in Sa. Leone

This Blog is in development

I do not aspire to a lengthy write up, a lot less than Peggy wrote, but I would hope to show what the charity I support is doing for orphaned/needy children and their carers in Sa. Leone, with particular emphasis on education.  I think anyone who donates deserves to have feedback from the donee (if that is the right word) on what they saw of the work being done by the charity and the real need and benefit to the children being supported.

It is possible, perhaps, that the 'everydayhero' donation page has these facilities, I have not checked that out properly. I must look into that when I can find time.